

[the 31st STRC colloquium] Dr. Dae-Young Kim (University of Missouri)

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작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 883회 작성일 2016-04-19 10:36


*** The 31st STRC Research Colloquium ***


Topic: How are we going to measure people’s implicit attitudes? An application of Implicit Association Test (IAT) in tourism study

Date: Fri., April 29, 5:00~6:30 p.m

Place: #601, College of Hotel & Tourism Building, Kyung Hee University

Presenter: Dr. Dae-Young Kim (University of Missouri)


- Associate professor of Hospitality Management (University of Missouri)

- Editorial Board Member of Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Science

- Ph.D: Purdue University (Hospitality and Tourism Management)

- Research Interests:
 ● Advertising and Consumer Behavior: (1) Persuasion: Effective Ways to Persuade Consumers through Channel Distribution, (2) Channel Effectiveness, (3) Consumers Attitude toward Web Advertising, and (4) Gender Differences.
 ● Convention and Meeting Management:  (1) Convention and Event Planning, (2) Website Effectiveness in Convention Industry, and (3) Meeting Planners’ Information Search Behavior.
● Hospitality and Tourism Marketing: (1) Destination Marketing, (2) Customer Loyalty, (3) Satisfaction, and Service Quality, (4) Relationship Marketing, and (5) Market Segmentation and Target Marketing.
● Information Technology: (1) Information Search Behavior on Tourism Websites, (2) Emerging Technologies for Use in Hospitality and Tourism marketing, (3) Website Evaluation, (4) Electronic Commerce, and (4) Building Websites brand equity and personality.
● Implicit Measures: (1) Destination Image Study through Implicit Association Test (IAT).

- Awards: Best Paper Award winner in the annual International CHRIE conference in 2005, and the 11st TOSOK International Tourism Conference

- Papers in Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Analysis, and Computers in Human Behavior


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