

[CHB] Submission Deadline_1 July 2014

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,785회 작성일 2014-03-18 10:32


Special Issue:  Computers in Human Behavior


Smart Tourism Systems: Convergence of Information Technologies, Business Models and Experiences

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What is “smart” tourism and why is it important? Maybe hard to define, but one can state that smart means better than “usual” results, and also “optimized for a specific need” and in a specific context. Smartness also refers to networking, by means of cooperation with others, either humans or businesses, one can create better results. At the end, it shifts competition onto the network level; you do not compete individually but as a cooperating group. Such an approach may also imply blurring boundaries.

When looking into tourism, one can observe the emergence of such types of “smart tourism systems”. This happens on the individual behavior level as well as on an organizational / business level. Smartness needs a cooperation medium (or kit), a type of an underlying operating system. Information technology plays this crucial role, and it is an enabler; a necessary but not sufficient condition. Digital networks or platforms play an important role in today’s tourism, integrating different stakeholders. However, what might be missing is the explicit notion of smartness, of identifying the crucial ingredients of this new concept to outperform others. Smart digital tourism systems engage across speedy and flexible (also ad-hoc) networks with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

In sum, this special issue is a first attempt to identify the concept and reality of “smart tourism systems” where the tourism network participants are linked, also ad-hoc, and their intelligence is combined to achieve an overall “smart” result.



The special issue’s particular interest lies on papers that focus on (1) People: smart tourists’ behavior (2) Organization: smart business networks, (3) Technology & Media: smart contents, product, devices, and process innovations. The concepts may be vague, but it is important and could provide a next step to conceptualize e-tourism. The following topics may be addressed.

·         Concepts and theories of smart tourism systems

·         Case studies

·         Technologies for smart tourism

·         Electronic brokerage and marketplaces

·         Swarms, social network services and collective decision making

·         IT architectures and models for smart tourism

·         Smart business models and the role of IT

·         Barriers and ingredients for the developments of smart systems

·         Acceptance, adoption, and diffusion of smart tourism systems

·         Ensuring privacy and security in smart tourism infrastructures

·         Impact of smart technologies on traditional tourism

·         Policy, strategy, management of smart tourism

·         Smart tourism business processes

·         Network analysis of a networked tourism industry

·         Business intelligence for smart tourism technologies and services

·         Research methods for the analysis of smart tourism related phenomena



Important deadlines

Submission Deadline: 1 July 2014

Check 1st Decision: 21 Aug 2014

Submission for 2nd Round Reviews: 2 Oct 2014

2nd Decision 29 Oct 2014

Submission of revised manuscripts: 6 Nov 2014

Final Decision & Notification: 11 Nov 2014



Guest Editors:


Hannes Werthner

Hannes Werthner is a professor at Vienna University of Technology, Austria, and head of the e-commerce group. 


Chulmo Koo

Associate Professor of College of Hotel and Tourism Management

Kyung Hee University, South Korea


Ulrike Gretzel

Professor of Tourism, UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia



Carlos Lamsfus

Dr. Carlos Lamsfus is a senior researcher at CICtourGUNE



Huang, P., Lurie, N. H. and Mitra, S. (2009). “Searching for Experience on the Web: An Empirical Examination of Consumer Behavior for Search and Experience Goods,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73, pp. 55-69.

Kim, H., Lee, J-N. and Jaemin Han. (2010), “The Role of IT in Business Ecosystems,“ Communications of the ACM,  Vol. 53, No. 5,pp, 151-156.

Ricci, F. (2002). “eCommerce and Tourism Research Laboratory,“ IEEE Intelligent Systems,  Nov./Dec. pp. 55-57.

Staab, S. and Werthner, H. (2002). “Intelligent Systems for Tourism – Introduction,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 17, No.6, pp. 53-55.

Werthner, H and Klein, S. (1999). “Information Technology and Tourism—A Challenging Relationship,” Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.

Werthner, H. and Ricci, F. (2004). “Electronic Commerce and Tourism,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 47, No.12, pp. 101-105.



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