1. The Examination of Relationship between Contents Traits and Perceived Usefulness of Tourism Online Reviews based on Construal-level Theory2.Connected IT Usage and Trade Show Effectiveness: Developing to Smart Trade Show3. Moderating Effects of Distrust and Social Influence on Aesthetics Experience of Augmented Reality: Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Model Perspective
1. Examining Technology Perception and User Competence on Two Types of Smartphone Usages2. Impulsive Buying Behavior of Restaurant Products in Social Commerce: A role of Serendipity and Scarcity Message
[IC_13]the 2015 78th TOSOK Conference
1. An Investigation of Traveler's Readiness to Adoption Geotag Technologies2. The Antecedents of Business Collaboration and its Consequences in an Exhibition Context
the 2015 78th TOSOK Conference
[IC_12]World Conference on Business and Management (WCBM) 2015
Examining the adoption of travel information using geotag in social network services
World Conference on Business and Management (WCBM) 2015
DMZ to Dokdo: Korea’s patriotic industry and the visual representation of toured boundaries
[IC_10]2015 World Hospitality & Tourism Forum at Seoul
1. Conceptual Foundations for Understanding Smart Tourism Destination Competitiveness2. Examining Online to Offline Service Using Augmented Reality: Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective Moderating3. Examining the Relationship between Social Networking Sites Use and Tourism Experience: Broad-and-Build Theory Perspective
2015 World Hospitality & Tourism Forum at Seoul
[IC_09]2nd Tourism Postdisciplinarity Conference
Travel Information Sharing Behavior in Social Network Sites Using Geotag: Goal Theory Perspective
2nd Tourism Postdisciplinarity Conference
[DC_16]2015 한국지식경영학회 춘계학술대회
Travel Information Sharing Behavior in Social Network Sites Using Geotag: Goal Theory Perspective
2015 한국지식경영학회 춘계학술대회
[DC_15]2015년 춘계 공동학술대회(한국인터넷전자상거래학회/한국정보시스템학회/한국지능정보시스템학회)
1. 파워블로그의 브랜드 자산 가치 형성 과정에 대한 실증연구: 기술수용모델과 브랜드 경험의 결합을 중심으로
2. The role of egoistic and altruistic motivation in destination knowledge contribution behavior using geotag in social networking sites
2015년 춘계 공동학술대회(한국인터넷전자상거래학회/한국정보시스템학회/한국지능정보시스템학회)
[DC_14](사)한국디지털경영학회 2015년 춘계학술발표대회
지능화된 전시회의 요인과 참가자 만족에 대한 연구: 전시회 전/중의 정보시스템 사용관계를 중심으로
(사)한국디지털경영학회 2015년 춘계학술발표대회